Successor – Book Revision

This post concerns a revision to the book, Kris Longknife’s Successor, the latest Kris Longknife book. We have uploaded a revised copy, which has a few minor content revisions to the text. After speaking with the eBook distributors, the consensus advice was that you, the reader, should archive and then delete the old file, then you will be able to download the new, updated one, for free.

For those of you who got a different book, I apologize. We held the space open with the description of Successor and the text from the 2nd book in the series which was a similar length to allow for pre-orders. When we uploaded the final copy before release, this was corrected, so I’m not sure why an incorrect copy was given. Please be sure to archive, delete, then update a new copy.

Thank you for your readership. The process of self-publishing is a constant learning curve.