Mike Shepherd

Kris Longknife: Training Daze

Kris Longknife: Training Daze

Proving herself a capable, if unorthodox, officer, Lieutenant Kris Longknife has been assigned to train inexperienced crews in piloting the newest, fastest, and deadliest attack ships in the fleet. But Kris’s training tour has not gone unnoticed by her enemies—and their hired assassins...

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Kris Longknife: Admiral

Kris Longknife: Admiral

Admiral Kris Longknife should have known the job offer was too good. Really, she knew by now that what was too good to be true really, really isn't. Still, she jumped at the chance to be the first human emissary to the Iteeche Empire.

Only when she got there, and met the Emperor, a teenage kid swamped by his throne, did Kris find out that there was a little civil war going on in the Iteeche Empire. The loyal forces were losing, and they needed the best fighting admiral they could get. So they got Kris Longknife.

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Kris Longknife: Unter Quarantäne: Roman

Kris Longknife: Unter Quarantäne: Roman

Kris Longknife ist Offizierin an Bord eines Raumkreuzers der Navy. Als das Schiff für einige Wochen zur Reparatur ins Dock muss, will sie die Zeit nutzen, um ihre adelige Familie zu besuchen, vor der sie eigentlich zum Militär geflohen ist. Doch dann erhält sie die Nachricht, dass ihr bester Freund Tommy auf den Planeten Turanic entführt wurde. Unverzüglich eilt Kris ihm zu Hilfe. Ohne zu ahnen, dass der Planet wegen einer tödlichen Seuche unter Quarantäne steht ...

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Kris Longknife: Resolute

Kris Longknife: Resolute

Kris Longknife has been given her first independent command in the very remote system of Chance, an assignment that's as much exile as promotion.
But Kris isn't on the job long when she captures pirates hiding the location of an uncharted and unpopulated planet of miraculous technology.

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Kris Longknife’s Relief: Grand Admiral Santiago on Alwa Station

Kris Longknife’s Relief: Grand Admiral Santiago on Alwa Station

Sandy Santiago has problems coming out her ears. Granny Rita is out of control. The workers are out on strike. Worse, the murderous alien raiders are testing Alwa's defense perimeter. Once she has her hous in order, Sandy is strongly thinking of getting her own good look at what appears to be the alien home world. Last time Kris Longknife visited the place, she threw some serious shade on the aliens. Dare Sandy return? Might the aliens be waiting for her? What could a serious, organized scientific look at this world tell Sandy? Assuming she survives the look!

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Kris Longknife: Die Invasion: Roman

Kris Longknife: Die Invasion: Roman

Nachdem Kris Longknife an einer Verschwörung beteiligt war, nehmen ihre Vorgesetzten ihr jegliche Befehlsgewalt über die Kriegsflotte. Doch dann startet eine außerirdische Spezies völlig unerwartet eine Invasion. Kris tut, was sie tun muss: Sie widersetzt sich sowohl der Regierung als auch dem Militär. Und zieht mit ihrer angeschlagenen Flotte in die Schlacht ...

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Kris Longknife: Audacious

Kris Longknife: Audacious

Something is rotten on New Eden. To shoot or not to shoot, that is the question for Kris Longknife. Silly question.

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Kris Longknife’s Bad Day

Kris Longknife’s Bad Day

You just knew when Kris asked for a desk job that she’d have days like you have at the office. Well, here’s one that will bring you up to date on the technical developments in the Royal US Navy, as well as silly bureaucratic goings on.

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新任少尉、出撃! 海軍士官クリス・ロングナイフ

新任少尉、出撃! 海軍士官クリス・ロングナイフ


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Kris Longknife: Mutineer

Kris Longknife: Mutineer

She could have been the campaign manager for her brother's election like her father, the Prime Minister, wanted. She could have been the empty headed debutante her mother wanted. Instead, fresh out of college, Kris Longknife joined the Navy. Now she's associated with marines and rescuing a kidnapped little girl. She's delivered food to starving people on a rain-soaked planet. And just now, the skipper came on the bridge and announced they're going to war with Earth. Now what does she do?

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Kris Longknife: Intrepid

Kris Longknife: Intrepid

Kris finally has the command she's wanted. The Wasp is clear to roam space beyond the rim and explore virgin territory. Except, other humans have gotten out there well before her, and the problems they're creating could plunge humanity into total war.

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Ruth Longknife’s First Christmas

Ruth Longknife’s First Christmas

Ruthie Longknife is seven-months-old and enjoying her very first Christmas in the arms of Kris Longknife. She's got a sparkling tree to taste, a lot of presents under the tree, oh, and because she's a Longknife, uninvited guests for the Christmas goose. This is a short story of 6,800 words and says a lot about Longknife holiday family dynamics, including grumpy old Grampa Al. A must read for those of you who enjoy Kris's world.

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