A new Lost Millennium novel

I’m happy to announce the e-publication of the long lost story of how Launa O’brian and Jack Walking Bear met, got to know each other, hit and did not hit it off and and got on with training anyway together. Lost Dawns tells the story that was referred to in the other books of the trilogy, but you’ve never had a chance to read before. Follow these two courageous troopers as they prepare for an insane mission even as the world around them descends into its own insanity.

Included with this short novel are sample chapters from three books you can expect to see in the first half of 2017: Kris Longknife’s Replacement: Grand Admiral Sandy Santiago on Alwa Station; Kris Longknife – Emissary, and Ray Longknife – Enemy Unknown. The first novel of the Iteeche War. Enjoy!

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