Three hundred and eighty years from now, Humanity has spread to 600 planets and a young girl, Kris Longknife graduates from college. To her parent’s dismay, she joins the Navy. After the long eighty year peace among humanity, they feel there is no need for heroes. But soon Kris Longknife is hanging with Marines, rescuing a kidnapped little girl, busting bandit butt to get food to a starving world, and she’s discovering that maybe some of the things about being one of those damn Longknifes didn’t make it into the history books. The Kris Longknife saga is the story of a young woman coming of age during a time when things are falling apart and discovering that maybe humanity still does need heroes.
辺境星区司令官、着任! 海軍士官クリス・ロングナイフ
一介の大尉でありながら、第41海軍管区司令官としてチャンス星系へとやってきたクリス・ロングナイフとその一行は、司令部である宇宙ステーションに到着して愕然とした。歓迎団どころか、ひとっこひとりいない! 動力反応炉も停止し、非常用電源で動いているだけ……。数ある海軍管区のなかでも最低の辺境星区に左遷されたわれらがプリンセスだが、それでも司令官としての職務を果たそうと持ち前の機知と財力で奮闘する!?
More info →Kris Longknife: Resolute
Kris Longknife has been given her first independent command in the very remote system of Chance, an assignment that's as much exile as promotion.
But Kris isn't on the job long when she captures pirates hiding the location of an uncharted and unpopulated planet of miraculous technology.
Kris Longknife: Das Kommando: Roman
Für Kris Longknife wird ein Traum wahr: Sie erhält ihr erstes Kommando über eine Raumstation. Dazu wird sie allerdings in das entlegene Sternensystem Chance versetzt, eine Beförderung, die zugleich einem Exil gleicht. Doch Kris ist nicht untätig, und bald kommt sie einer Organisation auf die Spur. Die verbirgt auf einem einsamen Planeten höchst fortschrittliche Alien-Technologie, die in ihren Händen eine extreme Gefahr darstellt -
More info →Kris Longknife: Audacious
Something is rotten on New Eden. To shoot or not to shoot, that is the question for Kris Longknife. Silly question.
More info →Rebelde
More info →Kris Longknife: Intrepid
Kris finally has the command she's wanted. The Wasp is clear to roam space beyond the rim and explore virgin territory. Except, other humans have gotten out there well before her, and the problems they're creating could plunge humanity into total war.
More info →勅命臨時大使、就任! 海軍士官クリス・ロングナイフ
辺境星域で新たなジャンプポイントを発見した王立調査船ワスプ号は、調査のため転移した。だがそこで出会ったのは、かつて人類と壮絶な殺し合いを演じた宿敵イティーチ族の異星船だった。またも星間大戦勃発か!? とあわてるが、彼らは外交使節で、なんとクリスの曽祖父で知性連合の王であるレイモンド一世にメッセージを伝えにきたという。かくてクリスは急遽臨時大使となり、異星人一行を王のもとへと送り届けるが……。熱血戦争SF最新刊!
More info →Kris Longknife: Undaunted
Kris Longknife encounters some peaceful aliens who have come to warn humanity of an unidentifiable force that is roaming the galaxy, obliterating everything in its path-a path now leading directly toward the human worlds.
More info →Kris Longknife: Redoubtable
Lieutenant Commander Kris Longknife has precise orders: seek out, engage, and destroy pirates, slavers, and drug lords operating beyond the rim of human space-without interfering in Peterwald family affairs. But when slavers kidnap a twelve-year-old girl, Kris's mission becomes personal. And if destroying the pirate compound flattens some Peterwald interests-well, to hell with politics.
More info →Kris Longknife: Daring
Lieutenant Commander Kris Longknife leads a reconnaissance mission of the vast uncharted regions of space. No one, least of all Kris, expects to find a hostile alien starship. Now, she must determine the extent of the alien threat-and whether to start an interstellar war...
More info →Kris Longknife: Welcome Home / Go Away
Kris Longknife is back home from her galactic adventures, and humanity finds itself at war with an alien race more monstrous than anyone could have possibly imagined. General Terrance "Trouble" Tordon, Kris's great-grandfather, is given the task of calming the panicked politicians, some of whom would like to eliminate the ever bothersome Commander Longknife. But as "Trouble" struggles to defend his Kris, he fears he's facing a fight he's bound to lose...
More info →Kris Longknife: Furious
Wanted for crimes against humanity on 162 planets, Kris Longknife has been shipped off to East Siberia. Problem is, Jack was shipped of to West Siberia. But worse than that, a Longknife may be going rogue and nobody can go after a Longknife but a Longknife especially, Kris Longknife. But it will take a lot of help from her friends.
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